What is the role of business schools in the recent financial crisis? And what part will they play in the subsequent recovery?
- President and CEO of AACSB International John J. Fernandes believes that education and not regulation holds the key to global prosperity.
- Eric Cornuel, CEO & Director-General, EFMD feels that business schools should question their methods for preparing participants to become innovators and leaders.
- Andrzej Kozminski, Rector of Kozminski University in Poland, warns against the dangers of a "one-size-fits-all" approach.
- Howard Thomas and Alex Wilson, of Singapore Management University and Warwick Business School UK, respectively, assert that we must “find the voice of practice” in research.
Emerald Group Publishing have collaborated with the Global Foundation for Management Education (GFME) to publish a collection of essays from GFME Board Members entitled
From Challenge to Change: Business Schools in the Wake of Financial Crisis, available for free online.
As well as offering an insight into current thought from Deans and Directors from the UK, Canada, USA, Poland, Spain and Thailand as well as Directors and Presidents from AACSB and EFMD, it is hoped that the articles will encourge debate about the role of Business Schools during this period of economic uncertainty.