Due to an issue with the ejournals portal some Emerald journal titles are not accessible.
Our systems librarians are looking into the matter.
In the meantime, if you have any issues accessing journal articles within the Emerald database or from the ejournals portal please get in touch with a member of library staff via our Ask-a-Librarian service or phone 01 402 3068
DIT Library Aungier Street has installed an exhibition about life for the Jacob’s factory workers in the 1913-1916 period, in contrast to life now.
Using the Jacob’s building as its focal point, the exhibition highlights living conditions in Dublin in the period from the 1911 Census to the 1916 Rebellion, the role the building played in the Easter Rebellion, and the working conditions and lives of the young men and women working in Jacob’s factory during the period, compared to those of a typical DIT student.
Why not visit the library and have a look?
This exhibition complements the Library Services’ Jacobs1916.com online exhibition and will remain in place until the end of the semester.
Sometimes you want to keep track of items you have borrowed. This can be useful for referencing purposes or if you need to borrow a useful title again but can't quite remember all the details.
You can keep track by Creating your Reading History in your MyLibrary account. Watch this short video to learn how....