One of these initiatives will:
- Raise the profile of individual researchers
- Showcase the Institute's academic research output
- Disseminate research findings to a greater audience
- Connect those with similar research interests
- Facilitate further networking and collaborative opportunities
Question: How?
Answer: An institutional research repository
This seminar will provide an opportunity to learn more, see a repository in action and explore the possibilities for DIT.
9.30am Registration
10.00am Welcome and opening remarks Professor Brian Norton
10.15am Library support for research: new initiatives Ann McSweeney - Senior Librarian
10.30am What is a Research Repository? Brian Gillespie - Faculty Librarian
10.45am TARA: A working research repository Niamh Brennan - TCD Library
11.15am How it would work in DIT Yvonne Desmond - Faculty Librarian
11.30am General discussion and closing remarks Dr Philip Cohen, Head of Library Services
12.00pm Lunch
Reserve a place with Anne Ambrose on ast.library@dit.ie before Wednesday 26th September, please.