Tuesday, 2 December 2008
New Business Podcasts
The podcasts have been specially written by David Pollitt, Information and Research Officer at the University of Bradford's European Briefing Unit. David Pollit has also edited various journals on Strategic Management, Human Resource Management and Training.
Thursday, 27 November 2008
The Credit Crunch isn't all bad for the global economy
While petrol prices fluctuate, many consumers are turning to public transport to curtail spending at the pumps thus helping to save the planet by default
Amongst the fastest growing destinations in 2007 were Oman, Turkmenistan, Senegal, Romania, Serbia and Rwanda proving that the world is getting ever-more accessible to thrill-seekers
Indian whiskey volumes will exceed 1 billion litres in 2010 and in 2011 India will become the world's biggest consumer of rum, overtaking the US
Social networking sites such as www.couchsurfing.com now provide free alternatives to hotels and hostels by lining up individual hosts with potential visitors worldwide
Brazilians are generally emotional consumers keen on acquiring 'happiness' through what they buy and don't buy to fulfill a need but to assuage 'cravings' generated by the products
The country forecast to witness the highest growth in pet food and pet care in value terms is Russia with US$1.3bn over 2008-2013.
For these and other more relevant facts check out GMID - Global Market Information Database on the library website.
GMID contains:
8 million internationally comparable statistics
15,000 industry, company, country and consumer reports
17,000 rankings of leading companies by market and brand share
Insightful comments from industry and country experts on a daily basis
Monday, 10 November 2008
Reaching Today's Media-Savvy Consumers
A key difference between young Irish consumers and more mature consumers is the speed with which new media have been integrated into their daily routines, with understandably greater enthusiasm among younger consumers. An important conclusion from Mintel's Media Consumption Report,[October 2008] however, is that few consumers are prepared to be left behind.
The challenge for advertisers is not only how to target consumers but how to reach them in new and more innovative ways, for example the proliferation of wi-fi spots. Today’s consumers have never been more connected.
This report looks primarily at the impact of technology on Irish lifestyles and why their relationship with technology is so important to consumers. Access it through the DIT Library web pages at www.dit.ie/library. Select databases on the left and Mintel from the alphabetical list.
Mintel Looks at Retail and Finance
Interestingly, we are told that DIT staff and students are amongst the heaviest users of Mintel in Ireland. From April to November 2008, for example, 2260 users logged in, 3886 searches were carried out and 20,431 documents were viewed with 2,065 documents downloaded in full text.
Must be good stuff!
Friday, 31 October 2008
Last Call for Book Orders !
As you will appreciate it takes time to source and order new material so the earlier we have your requests in the better chance we have of having them available to students as promptly as possible.
Orders can be placed on the Book Purchase link on the library page of the DIT website http://www.dit.ie/library/a-z/bookpurchases/ or you can contact me directly at Ciaran.quinn@dit.ie or at ext.7166.
Information needed includes: Author, Title, Publisher, Year of publication, Edition, Essential or Supplementary Reading,Course Code, number of students in the class and number of copies required.
It would also be appreciated if you could check the shelves in the Library that pertain to your subject and let us know if any of the titles are obsolete and need to be removed/updated.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Image Searching on the Internet
"Internet for Image Searching" is a new, free online tutorial to help staff and students in universities and colleges to find digital images for their learning and teaching:
The emphasis of the tutorial is on finding copyright cleared images which are available free; facilitating quick, hassle-free access to a vast range of online photographs and other visual resources.
This tutorial has been created by TASI - the JISC Advisory Service for digital media, and Intute as part of the Virtual Training Suite, with funding from the Higher Education Academy/JISC Collaboration Initiative.
Friday, 3 October 2008
Top Ten Global Insurance Companies
The Top Ten Global Insurance Companies is a new report published by Business Insights that examines market dynamics in the retail insurance sector focusing on the top ten insurance companies. This new report highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the top ten insurers, analyzes the reasons behind the growth of their businesses and indicate any potential problems they could face in the short term. Through analysis and forecasts, this report provides insight into the direction of the retail insurance market. See it on the library website at www.dit.ie/library. Select Reuters Business Insights from the A-Z list of databases.
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Free Online Access to all SAGE journals until October 31, 2008
Earlier this year SAGE celebrated the launch of the 500th journal on the SAGE Journals Online platform.
To mark the occasion SAGE are offering free online access to over 500 SAGE journals with content available from 1999-date until October 31, 2008.
Since DIT Library already subscribes to several Sage journals, no registration is required to access the free content. Simply go to http://www.online.sagepub.com/ and browse or search all Sage journals.
Friday, 26 September 2008
Research Seminar October 20th 2008
Keynote speaker will be Dr. Ellen Hazelkorn, newly appointed Director of Research and Enterprise, who will outline her vision for research support in DIT. Dr John Donovan will speak on managing research information in DIT and Robin Beecroft from Digital Commons will outline developments in research dissemination through e-repositories. There will also be updates by Library staff on the Sconul Access Scheme, Endnote and other library supports for research.
The DIT Research Repository - ARROW - will be formally launched and Yvonne Desmond, Arrow Manager, will demonstrate the system.
It promises to be an interesting morning so please register your attendance before October 16th. by contacting Mary.conlan@dit.ie
Monday, 8 September 2008
Full Text Online Access to the Oxford Reference Collection
Contents Include:
Bilingual dictionaries: (French, Spanish, German, Irish, Welsh, Latin).
Dictionaries of quotations
Dictionaries of maps and illustrations
Timelines of notable events: arranged by theme, country and time period.
Encyclopaedias: including the world encyclopaedia and a guide to countries of the world.
Subject Reference Dictionaries: This collection includes 186 Full Text Subject Reference Books covering 21 subject areas which include Art & Architecture, Economics & Business, Law, Politics and the Social Sciences.
If you’d like advice on searching these please contact the Library at 4023068 or ainfo.library@dit.ie and we would be happy to assist you.
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Accessing Online Examination Papers
Examination papers can be accessed by entering “examination papers dit directories” in the subject search field on the Library catalogue or exam papers link. Then by choosing the faculty you require. The exam paper files are further broken down by year, sessional or supplemental, course code and year of course.
If you experience any difficulties please contact Ciaran at ext.7166 or
Thursday, 21 August 2008
The Ireland Collection from JSTOR
The Ireland Collection is the first regional collection hosted by JSTOR, and is being funded in part by a grant to Queens University Belfast from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), through the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) in the UK. Through this funding the Ireland Collection fees will be waived for non-profit institutions in Ireland and the United Kingdom.
The Ireland Collection is an interdisciplinary resource of materials from and about Ireland. Although there are only a handful of titles in the collection at present, at its expected completion in 2009 it will contain a minimum of 2,500 manuscripts, 200 monographs, and 75 ceased and currently publishing journals with moving walls between 1 and 5 years. Complementing JSTOR's existing collections, the Ireland Collection adds resources across the arts, humanities, and sciences in disciplines such as music, art, history, literature, archaeology, mathematics, and biology. Materials span from the 1780s to the present.
The database is now accessible under "JSTOR Ireland Collection" from our Databases A-Z page.
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Emerald Suspends Alerting Services
The following services are affected:
- Saved search alerts
- ToC (Table of Contents) alerts
- Weekly digest.
We will let you know once we hear from Emerald that the problem has been resolved.
Wednesday, 6 August 2008
Programme Documents now Online
We are still missing some softcopy documents however. All stragglers welcome as soon as possible!!
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Contact the e-mail reference service.
E-mail the library reference service at aungier.info@dit.ie and one of our librarians will be glad to help. All queries answered within 1 working day.
Monday, 21 July 2008
New Banking Report from Business Insights
Access via the library web site at www.dit.ie/library. Select databases and Reuters Business Insights from the A-Z list displayed.
Friday, 4 July 2008
Welcome to the Sconul Access Scheme!
This is a great opportunity for DIT researchers to have access to an enormous range and diversity of library collections.
Applications Forms are available at the Main Library Desk. For further details of the scheme see http://www.access.sconul.ac.uk/users_info or ring the Library at 4023068.
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Emerald moves into book publishing
As part of the move into book publishing, Emerald now encompasses new areas of expertise, such as language and linguistics, sociology, psychology, and more, to add to its core portfolio of management titles.
Title examples include “Qualitative Research in the Study of Leadership” by Karen Klenke, a new edition of “An Introduction to the Physiology of Hearing” by James Pickles, and “International Handbook of Distance Education” by Evans, Haughey and Murphy.
Monday, 23 June 2008
Trends in Ethical and Sustainable Packaging
To view this report login to the library web pages at www.dit.ie/library, select databases and Reuters Business Insights from the alphabetical database list.
2007 Data Now Available on JCR
The new 2007 data ensures that you continue to have the most current information available to determine a publication's impact and influence in the global research community.
JCR is available on the library web pages at http://www.dit.ie/library. Select Databases and then Journal Citation Reports from the alphabetical list displayed.
Monday, 26 May 2008
Information on Irish M&A activity
Thursday, 15 May 2008
DIT Library now in Google Scholar's Library Links
DIT Library now participates in Google Scholar’s Library Links. This links the databases and electronic journals to which we subscribe with Google Scholar. This means that you can now link with a single click to the full text of articles that you’ve found by doing a search in Google Scholar, once those articles are available via DIT Library’s subscriptions.
To locate full text electronic content available through DIT Library, you can use Google Scholar Library Links. To do this you will need to:
-Go to http://scholar.google.com/
-Click on Scholar Preferences
-Type DIT in the Library Links section and click Find Library
-Tick the box next to Dublin Institute of Technology – Find @ DIT
-Click Save Preferences
The Find @ DIT link next to an article citation in Google Scholar will bring you directly to the full text if the article is available via DIT Library's subscriptions.
For more information see Google Scholar’s Library Links page and Understanding a Search Result.
Friday, 9 May 2008
Student Survey
Fill in a short survey at https://vovici.com/wsb.dll/s/933ag3375e and you could win €100.
Survey responses will be accepted until Friday 16th May.
There is also a direct link to the survey on the DIT Library Website at http://www.dit.ie/DIT/library/index.html
Friday, 2 May 2008
Check out Researcher ID.com from ISI Web of Science
ResearcherID is a service from ISI Web of Science whereby researchers are invited to join the Researcher Registry and receive a unique researcher ID number. Once registered users can:
- Update their profile information.
- Build a publication list using Web of Science search services or uploading a file.
- Select to make profile public or private.
- Use new tools in the interactive Labs environment to understand their personal metrics.
- Use the Citings Articles Network which graphically depicts who is citing their articles using an interactive world map.
- The Collaboration Network displays their collaboration associates also using an interactive world map.
- The Badge is a "roll over" tool which can be placed on any web page to provide a summary of ones’ profile and recent publications.
Whether registered or not, users can search the Researcher Registry to view profiles and find potential collaborators.
For more details and to register with Researcher.id login to Web of Science from the Library A-Z Listing of databases at www.dit.ie/library
Monday, 28 April 2008
Index to Theses – Full text online theses on the way.

For the majority of entries, where an ETD is not yet available, the new Index will describe alternative routes for obtaining the full text of theses including specific reference to the British Library’s British Theses Service.
Index to Theses has identified some 3000 full text doctoral ETDs to date and this figure is estimated to be growing at around 100 per month. This growth is expected to increase significantly to represent an important percentage of the 1500 theses processed by Index to Theses each month.
Digitisation of theses covered by Index to Theses in the past will also yield full-text links and records will be regularly updated throughout the subscription year, reflecting current ETD availability. With some 517,000 entries - and growing at an annual rate of 18,000 - Index to Theses remains the most comprehensive listing of theses accepted for higher degrees by British and Irish universities.
Access via the library A-Z listing of databases at www.dit.ie/library
Thursday, 17 April 2008
The European Information Association

Their website is at http://www.eia.org.uk, the information is easily digested and you can set yourself up to get weekly email reminders of their news roundups.
This week, for example, the news update covers:
- moves to allow use of mobile phones in-flight
- growth of .eu
- calls for an EU-wide missing child alert
- a European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training
- the 'Education and Training 2010' work programme
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Multi-cultural Ireland

- AIB customers made almost 6000 payments to Poland in 2003. By 2005 this had risen to around 60,000 payments.
- Contrary to many expectations, 2006 data from the CSO indicates that the majority of non-nationals are working in managerial, professional and skilled jobs.
- Non-nationals accounted for 13% of ROI population in 2007.
Read all about it in the new Mintel report on Multi-cultural Ireland. Access Mintel Irish Reports via the A-Z list of databases on the library website at http://www.dit.ie/library
Friday, 4 April 2008
Database Trial - track grant opportunities.

- COS Funding Opportunities: ( tracks grant opportunities and applications in all disciplines)
- COS Scholar Universe: (Information about more than 1.3 million scholars and organizations worldwide)
The trial will last from 1st April to 30th April 2008
Friday, 14 March 2008
Easter 2008 - Aungier St Library Opening Hours
Friday, 7 March 2008
Database Trials
Academic OneFile
A cross-disciplinary database of peer-reviewed, full-text journals with daily updates. Could be of interest to both Arts and Business researchers.
Economist Historical Archive 1843-2003
Every issue of The Economist from 1843 to 2003.
These trials will be active until 21st March 2008. Please ask at the library desk for login and password details.
Monday, 3 March 2008
Events for Library Ireland Week
- 3rd-9th - Fomacs Centre Film Presentations:‘The Memory Box’, ‘The Richness of Change’& ‘Undocumented in Ireland: Our Stories’.
- Tue 4th - Staff Room, Kevin St. 6:45pm Classical Chinese poetry & Traditional Chinese music performances.
- Wed 5th & Thur 6th - Kevin St. Library 7.15pm Sufi poetry by Nuzhat Abbas, Sean Nós singing by Antaine ó Faracháin and Poetry readings by Nuala Nà Dhomhnaill (Aosdána)
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
What do women want?
Other new reports include:
- Childrenswear - February 2008
- Online Financial Services: convenience v personal service – December 2007
- Online Shopping: has it reached its potential? – December 2007
Access Mintel from the A-Z list of databases on the library website at www.dit.ie/library
Monday, 18 February 2008
Research Skills for Students
a guide to better internet searching and how to evaluate content.
Tuesday 19th February 5.45pm - 6.15pm
Thursday 21st February 11.00am - 11.30am (repeat)
For further details contact Ciaran at 402 7166
Lunchtime Sessions for Staff - Reminder
Tuesday 19th February 1.15pm - 1.45pm
Finding and manipulating global statistics;
market and industry reports.
Contact Allison at ext 3266 for further details.
Monday, 11 February 2008
Dissertation Students - Reminder
11th February: 1.15pm to 1.45pm
12th February: 2.15pm to 2.45pm (repeat)
The Intermediate level session will show you how to export references from Databases into EndNote using Export Filters; import references from the DIT Library Catalogue; print a stand-alone bibliography from your EndNote library; search for references in your EndNote Library.
Classes will be held in the Library Training Room.
Book now by ringing Israel at 402 7167 or call to the Main Library Desk
Thursday, 7 February 2008
Lunchtime Sessions for Staff
Thursday 14th Feb. - Intermediate Level EndNote
Tuesday 19th Feb. - Global Market Information Database
Thursday 28th Feb. - EndNote for Publishing
Wednesday 5th Mar.- Business Source Premier
Friday, 1 February 2008
Drop in Classes in the Library Training Room - Reminder
Monday 4th February: 1.15pm – 1.45pm
Using Communication and Mass Media Complete for Research and Current Awareness
Dissertation and Final Year Students:
Wednesday 6th February: 12.15pm – 12.45pm
Introduction to EndNote
Thursday 7th February: 3.15pm – 3.45 pm
Introduction to EndNote (repeat)
Two New Legal Databases
Westlaw covers all UK legislation, case material and a number of legal journals. Justis contains the Irish Reports series since 1919 as well as a number of other major report series. Authentication for Justis, within the DIT network, is via IP address, so just click on "continue" under the login box.
New Content on Westlaw IE
- Tottel Tax Cases (live)
- Hibernian Law Journal (live)
- Human Rights Law Reports – live - end of January ‘08
- European Human Rights Reports - live end of January ‘08
- Irish Law Times Reports (ILTR) archive back to 1867 to go live instages in the second quarter of 2008
- Monthly updating of consolidated legislation - to go live in quarter one of 2008
Participations: journal of audience and reception studies
Access at http://www.participations.org/
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
EndNote - Reminder

To book a place, please contact Ciaran Quinn at 402 7166 or email at ciaran.quinn@dit.ie. Places are limited so they are offered on a first come first served basis. This session is for staff and PG students only.
Tuesday, 29 January 2008

The Irish Times Digital Archive is a fully searchable exact reproduction of all editions published by the Irish Times from 1859 onwards. Editions are added seven days after publication date.
To log on to the archive, click on the link to the "Irish Times" on our Library Databases A-Z page: http://www.dit.ie/DIT/library/resources/databases/index.html, and select the link to the "Digital Archive" from the right-hand side of the screen.
The archive is also accessible under "archive search" on the left-hand side of the screen.
Wednesday, 9 January 2008
E-Books on the Web
Another interesting site is http://www.justfreebooks.info. This engine searches the content of more than 450 web sites to find public domain texts, open books, free audio books, ad-supported books and more. Use the search box to enter the book, author or theme you are interested in.
Adobe Reader will read downloads from both of these sites on your computer. Free E-book reader software is available for use with Ipods and other media.
Search for Video
Updates to Taxfind
- Seminar and Conference Papers
- Irish Tax Review
- TaxFax
- Revenue Material
- UK Material
- British Tax Case Archive
- British Tax Legislation
- Inland Revenue Manuals
- British Tax Reporter