We continually review our database subscriptions to ensure that we are getting the most out of our (limited) financial resources. This has become even more important given the recent cuts in the library’s budget.
Currently, the library has subscriptions to MarketLine and Business Source Premier, both of which provide access to Datamonitor reports on companies, industries, and countries. (Business Source Premier also provides access to thousands of business journal articles.) Given this duplication in coverage, we have decided to cancel MarketLine and its sister database Reuters Business Insight, which provides market research information.
The money saved by cancelling these databases will allow us to purchase a subscription to FAME, which provides financial information, financial ratios, and reports, including Datamonitor company and industry reports.
We feel that this is a more efficient use of the library’s database budget.
If you would like more information about the background to this decision, please contact anne.ambrose@dit.ie.