Need an Overview About a Case? Case Search gives you all the Key Information you need.
The people at LexisNexis have made things a little easier by moving the Digest of a case to the top of the CaseSearch document so you can quickly see what a case is about. All the existing information such as the case history and cases considered are still there, but you can now scan the Digest first for relevancy. Another time saver for the busy legal researcher!
30 leading full text journals are to be added to LexisNexis over the coming months from Bloomsbury and Cambridge University Press. This means more articles in key practice areas such as crime, European law, healthcare to name a few.
Can't remember that legal definition? Try LexisNavigator!
This online tool has been expanded to cover more than 1000 terms. Now it's even easier to find that legal term in the QuickFind search on your homepage or on the practice area pages.
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