Monday, 17 December 2007
The Horizon Report 2007
Revised Christmas & New Year Opening Hours

Monday 17th - Thurs 20th: 9.30am-5.15pm
Friday 21st: 9.30am-2.30pm
Saturday 22nd - Tues 1st Jan: Closed
Wednesday2nd - Thurs 3rd: 9.30am-9.30pm
Friday 4th: 9.30am-9.15pm
Saturday 5th January: 10.00am-5.00pm
Full term-time opening hours resume from Monday 7th January
Friday, 23 November 2007
EndNote Training for Staff and Post-grads
· Introduction to Endnote
· Creating an Endnote Library
· Manually adding references to an Endnote library
· Selecting a reference type and style
· Inserting references into a Word document.
· Deleting a reference from a Word document.
To book a place, please contact Israel Chidavaenzi at 402 7167 or email at Places are limited so they are offered on a first come first served basis. This session is for staff and PG students only.
Irish Virtual Research Library and Archive Repository (IVRLA)
IVRLA is a digital archive containing a number of digitised collections from UCD’s holdings, of use and interest to Irish humanities researchers. The IVRLA has developed a sophisticated interface enabling users to browse, search, tag and cite digital objects and view or download them in a variety of file formats. The repository is accessible at
Have you used MetaFind?
Monday, 19 November 2007
Attitudes to Advertising

- The Night Out: is one venue enough? (November 2007)
- Wine: are we becoming more European in our outlook? (October 2007)
- The Day Out: where families spend money outside the home. (September 2007)
Access Mintel through the library web pages
Monday, 12 November 2007
Irish Times Digital Archive – Free Trial
We are trying to negotiate a site licence to cover all DIT users. Comments/feedback to Allison at ext. 3166, Israel at ext. 7167 or Ciaran at ext. 7166.
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Embedded classes
Monday, 5 November 2007
Books from All over the World.
The Document Delivery service at Aungier Street Library can search all Irish and UK academic libraries for your request as well as the British Library Document Supply centre – the largest ‘lending factory’ in the world. We can even, through the British Library, initiate a world wide search for the item if it is important enough and borrow from anywhere in the world on your behalf. In addition we can organise electronic delivery of papers to your desktop. AND – there is a 24 hour delivery service available if the need is great.
Standard cost to the Library is €22 per book and €20 per paper. We charge our undergraduate users €6 per item and €8 for staff and post-graduates. (World-wide searches are obviously more expensive.) For further information contact Fiachra at 7176.
Thursday, 1 November 2007
Information Literacy – A menu of choices!
- Finding Books
- Finding Journal Articles from a citation
- Developing a Search Strategy and Using it in Library Databases
- Specialised Library Databases
- Effective Internet Searching and Evaluating Information
- Plagiarism, Referencing and Citing
- Endnote – introductory, intermediate and advanced courses
- Current Awareness for Researchers
- Citation Searching and using Journal Citation Reports.
If academic staff would like to organise a tailored session for their students please contact Allison at 3266, Israel at 7167 or Ciaran at 7166.
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
Keep up to date with Science Direct’s Top 25 list

ScienceDirect's TOP25 is a free service that allows you to quickly pinpoint the key new developments and trends in your field by providing you with a list of the 25 most read articles from over 2000 peer reviewed journals.
You can also register and set-up free e-mail alerts - a handy way for busy researchers to efficiently identify those "must-read" articles without spending too much time.
Try it today. Select your preferred field of interest and the current top 25 articles are listed to the right. Click on each one to read the full paper.
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
DIT Library Services: Supporting Research

One of these initiatives will:
- Raise the profile of individual researchers
- Showcase the Institute's academic research output
- Disseminate research findings to a greater audience
- Connect those with similar research interests
- Facilitate further networking and collaborative opportunities
Question: How?
Answer: An institutional research repository
This seminar will provide an opportunity to learn more, see a repository in action and explore the possibilities for DIT.
9.30am Registration
10.00am Welcome and opening remarks Professor Brian Norton
10.15am Library support for research: new initiatives Ann McSweeney - Senior Librarian
10.30am What is a Research Repository? Brian Gillespie - Faculty Librarian
10.45am TARA: A working research repository Niamh Brennan - TCD Library
11.15am How it would work in DIT Yvonne Desmond - Faculty Librarian
11.30am General discussion and closing remarks Dr Philip Cohen, Head of Library Services
12.00pm Lunch
Reserve a place with Anne Ambrose on before Wednesday 26th September, please.
Friday, 24 August 2007
ECCH Case Writing Scholarships
Every year ECCH awards up to 10 scholarships to research students in business and management to develop teaching case studies based on their field research. Scholarships are worth £1,525 sterling and the winner also gets a place on an ECCH case writing workshop.
For further details contact
New Campaign EMag

Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Help is at Hand – New E-Mail reference service
• Searching the library's databases for articles or reports on a particular topic,
• Tracking down the full text of article citations,
• Finding books on a particular topic.
Aungier Street students and staff members who can’t come to the library, or who have reference questions arising outside of opening hours can now email their questions to . We will respond to your query on the next business day.
Thursday, 9 August 2007
New for the Summer

Innovation in Marketing; Globalization: the key concepts are amongst the 138 new book titles received by the library in July. We have particularly extended our Innovation section this month.
To see the full monthly list go to New Books List on the Library Catalogue
Thursday, 26 July 2007
Intute : Environment - new section created
Of interest to Aungier Street staff may be the sections on Environmental Economics, Environmental Law and Legislation and Environmental Management.
Intute at contains over 3,000 records which describe lecture notes, journals, government publications, non-profit organisation sites, and other websites under a variety of subject headings.
Friday, 13 July 2007
Purchasing a Personal Copy of EndNote

Thursday, 12 July 2007
“Anxiety Society” - New Mintel report on Irish Lifestyles

Other 2007 reports include Multiple vs Symbol Group Retailing: cost v convenience; Attitudes to Saving; Male Grooming; Private Medical Insurance; Pensions: can we afford to retire?; Food Retailing Ireland; Irish Dairy Market; White Spirits; Children’s Toys and Games; Holidays: the Irish Abroad; Social Hubs; Women’s Cosmetics.
Access Mintel Irish Reports at Mintel
Journal Citation Reports Update

Thursday, 5 July 2007
RSS Feed Now Available

To start using RSS, you need a special news reader or aggregator that displays RSS content feeds from Web sites you select. There are many different news readers available, many of which are free of charge. Many are available as desktop software that you download and install on your computer ie Newsgator. Several Web-based news readers such as Google, Bloglines and Yahoo, are available as well. These have the added advantage of not tying you down to using a machine which has the software installed. All you have to do is sign up to an account.
Once you subscribe to a newsreader you will be able to gather information from numerous different websites together in the one place. You can now even add Aungier St. Library News to your RSS reader. Click the link 'subscribe in a reader' on the right sidebar of this page and choose whichever reader you have subscribed to. For example, if you have a Google account just click the 'add to google' icon, follow the instructions and you will have the Library Headlines on your Google homepage or in your Google reader.
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
EndNote - Reminder

Monday, 25 June 2007
E-mail reference service in Aungier Street

All reference queries are welcome but please note that this service is designed to provide you with brief, factual answers to specific questions. Send your queries to
For more indepth queries contact one of the librarians @ ext 3068
EndNote: managing references the easy way!

Millions of researchers, academics and students worldwide use EndNote to organise their references, create bibliographies and search online bibliographic databases. Now DIT staff and students are getting the opportunity to use this leading edge software.
Library Services are delighted to announce that we have negotiated an institutional licence for EndNote which allows staff and students to use the software both within and outside of the DIT network.
EndNote will allow you to:
Automatically create references, footnotes and bibliographies in your written research reports, assignments or dissertations.
Create and maintain your own reference database of citations by importing references from a variety of electronic sources such as library catalogues, databases etc.
Generate a bibliography in the correct citation style for publication.
The library will offer hands-on, practical training sessions on EndNote from next September. Individual staff or post-grads who would like training over the summer period should contact Allison at 3266, Israel at 7167 or Ciaran at 7166.