The Library now has a policy of purchasing e-texts where they are available, the price is right and especially when multiple copies of a text are required. Our current provider is Coutts who run the MyiLibrary system. We will initially purchase a 3 simultaneous-user license for each title. When a title is being used by 3 people concurrently and a 4th. person logs in - Coutts will not prevent this access. However, if a title is continuously being accessed over the license limit, Coutts will advise the library and we will have the option of increasing to a 5-user license or higher. Four new titles recently received are:
> Flagship marketing: concepts and places / Tony Kent and Reva Brown.
> Fundamentals of Strategy / Gerry Johnson.
> The DNA of customer experience: how emotions drive value / Colin Shaw.
> Marketing management and strategy / Peter Doyle.
These are all available on the catalogue just like their hardcopy equivalents. Take a look and let us know what you think. We would really appreciate your feedback.