Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Bestsellers in the Library!
Amongst recent arrivals are:
Fintan O'Toole's Ship of Fools: how stupidity and corruption sank the Celtic Tiger;
Matt Cooper's Who really runs Ireland?;
Shane Ross's The Bankers and
Marc Coleman's Back from the Brink - Ireland's road to recovery.
Thursday, 17 December 2009
TaxFind seamless access restored
Users accessing TaxFind from outside DIT's network will still need to log in with a username and password.
Call the library at 402-3068 or use the Ask a Librarian service if you have any questions about using TaxFind.
Friday, 11 December 2009
New Reports from Mintel
The impact of cross border shopping - July 2009
Capitalising on the short breaks market in Ireland - July 2009
Evaluating the commercial benefits of Online social networking - September 2009
Online Banking - December 2009
Expansion of non-food items in supermarkets - December 2009
Redefining the lifestyle of the 55+ Irish consumer - December 2009.
Plans for 2010 include reports on Online Shopping, Ready Meals, Food to go, Convenience Retailing, Own label brands, Reaction to the recession - changes in shopping behaviour, new media and the Irish consumer as well as the annual Irish Lifestyles report - the theme of which has yet to be decided.
Access via the library website under Databases.
Thursday, 10 December 2009
More on Budget 2010
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Minister for Finance's Budget Speech December 9th 2009
Friday, 4 December 2009
WARC - Advertising & Marketing information
Did you know that WARC (World Advertising Research Centre), one of the Databases from the Library, is loaded with information in the form of Articles, Case Studies and Reports covering Advertising, Marketing, Media, Brands and much more? WARC is updated on a regular basis so you are assured of getting something of interest should you take a look at what WARC has to offer. Have a moment to spare? Why don’t you take a look at WARC where you can easily set up an alert service which will notify you by e-mail each time something new is added to your area of interest.
Thursday, 3 December 2009
US Legal Cases & journals on Google Scholar
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Project Muse - trial subscription
TaxFind Username and Password
Please contact the library at 402-3068 or for details of the username and password.
IP access should be restored shortly.
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Learning to Share
Wednesday, 4 November 2009 - new online database of Social and Political issues.
Friday, 30 October 2009
Publishing Journal Articles
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
ResearchScope from WIT
To access click HERE.
OECD Statistics
The OECD website now offers a new section called Frequently Requested Statistics which might answer your needs and is freely available. Click HERE to access.
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Companies Office Filings Available in FAME
Companies Office Annual Returns Available on FAME
FAME is available from the library's Business subject links page and the Databases page.
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
New e-texts from BookBoon
* Strategic Financial Management - theory.
* Strategic Financial Management - Exercise book
* Objected Oriented programming using Java
* Understanding Computer Simulation
* An Introduction to relational database theory.
Access electronic books via the Library website HERE
Friday, 2 October 2009
Free Online Access to Sage Journals until 31st October 2009
DIT Library already subscribes to several Sage journals, but for the month of October, SAGE is offering free online access to content from 1999 to present in all SAGE journals.
Go to to register for this free offer.
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
New Books over the Summer

Check out these new books and many more in our monthly New Books listing on the library catalogue at
Friday, 4 September 2009
Equality News - new e-zine from the Equality Authority
Monday, 31 August 2009
The Zetoc Service
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
New What’s Hot Feature in Mintel
Mintel provides Hot Topics under a wide range headings, including Eating Out, Retail, Technology, and a very topical Economy in Crisis.
You can access Mintel’s new Hot Topics via the library’s subscription to Mintel Irish Reports, available on from the library’s databases page.
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Welcome to EconPapers
> 297,491 Working Papers (239,574 downloadable) in 2,587 series
> 452,309 Journal Articles (399,274 downloadable) in 989 journals
> 1,811 Software Items (1,798 downloadable) in 24 series
> 3,930 Books (1,420 downloadable) in 116 series
> 12,917 Chapters (12,639 downloadable) in 58 series.
Check it out HERE
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Recommend a Book for purchase by the Library
There is also a link to the form from the Library A-Z section under book purchase and on the WebOpac at MyAccount.
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Business Information Centre

Many DIT students have become familiar over the years with the excellent Dublin City Public Libraries Business Information Centre in the ILAC Shopping Centre off Henry Street. Get further details of the services on offer, collections, events, opening hours and much more on their website here.
[Click on Business Information on the left.]
New E-Books available

Check out the 15+ new full text e-books recently added to the Bookboon collection. Interesting titles include:
>The Accounting Cycle
>Current Assets within Accounting
>Classes in Java Applications
>C Programming in Linux
>Managing the Human Resource in the 21st Century
>Project Management
Access the ebook collection on the Library website or Link Here
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
2008 Data for Journal Citation Reports Now Available
JCR is available from the library's databases page. Select Journal Citation Reports from the alphabetical list displayed.
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Bringing the Library to YOU! Summer services from DIT Library, Aungier Street.

Aungier Street Library will open from 9.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday only over the summer months. We recognise that this will cause difficulty for students with dissertation or assignment deadlines who cannot visit the library during office hours. As a result we have put together a package of services, which will continue until September 4th aimed at bringing the library straight to you.
These include:
Book Postal Scheme: Register with our Book Postal Scheme, use the online library catalogue to identify what books you need and we will send them to your home address. For further information contact: Anne Ambrose at 01- 4023067.
Book Return Bin: This is located just outside of the library door. The Aungier Street building opens from 8.00am to 7.00pm. If it suits, simply drop in your books to the “Blue Bin” and we will look after things from there.
OnLine Reference Service: Need help with sourcing information for your dissertation? Want to know how to use a particular database or e-journal. Contact our Ask a Librarian service. Queries can often be answered straight away but you are guaranteed an answer by the next working day. Our aim is to assist you in any way we can.
Hard-copy Journal Articles: If the article you need is not available online but is in our hardcopy collection – we will make every effort to get it for you.
Electronic Resources: DIT Library Service now subscribes to over 30,000 electronic journals and to all of the leading academic databases. Set yourself up with an access PIN and this vast library is available to you from your home PC. Simply login to the library website to get started. Online guides are available for most databases. If you need assistance in getting set up or in using any of our electronic resources please contact us via the Ask a Librarian service or by ringing us at 01-4023068.
Inter Library Loans: If the items you need– books, journal articles, conference papers, reports - are not available in our collection, we can request them on interlibrary loan on your behalf. Requests should be sent to the InterLibrary Loans Dept., DIT Library, Aungier Street, Dublin 2. This is a fee based service and some books may only be read on the premises. Email or ring 01-4023068 for further details.
ALCID Cards and Letters of Introduction: If you are a post-graduate student studying at Masters level or higher, we can provide you with an ALCID card. This will enable you to use any or all of the university libraries in Dublin and nation wide for study and reference purposes. We can also provide undergraduate students with letters of introduction to colleges nationwide. For further details and an ALCID application form click HERE. To request a letter of introduction contact the library at 4023068 or email via Ask a Librarian.
SCONUL Access Scheme: DIT Staff and Research postgrads (i.e., MPhil and PhD students) can also avail of the SCONUL Access Scheme. This allows you to visit, study in, research and BORROW from 180 participating member libraries throughout Ireland and the UK. All Irish University libraries, with the exception of Trinity College Dublin, are members of the scheme .Application Forms for SCONUL Access cards are available at the Main Library Desk. Further details of the scheme are available on the SCONUL Access website, or ring the Library at 4023068.
Enterprise in Dublin City
The guide provides a wealth of information for those thinking about starting their own business or who have recently done so.
The first part of the guide advises on setting up and expanding your own small business. There are sections on advice and information, finance and grants, training and networking.
The second part provides a directory of many of the agencies and organisations that can offer services and help to make sure that your business idea will succeed.
The guide is available in hardcopy in the library or online at
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Free Academic E-Books
Subject areas include Accounting, Business, Finance, Economics, Management, Marketing, Law, Languages and more. The books are written by UK and European academics, published by Ventus and financed by in-book advertisements. Definitely worth a look for students - as well as being an interesting business model
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
ARROW hits 1,000!

ARROW@DIT - the DIT online research repository now hosts just over 1,000 DIT research papers online. This is an amazing achievement for a project that is less than one year old. Managed by DIT Library Services, ARROW has had 19,217 full text downloads since it began. Content includes articles, conference papers, theses, case studies, datasets and reports. Images can also be catered for. All uploads are mediated by library staff to ensure that copyright is not infringed.
For further details link to
Research Zone on Emerald Management Xtra
There is also a Learning Zone for students and a Teaching Zone which aims to provide support and ideas for faculty involved in teaching business and management.
To access all of the above select Emerald Management Extra from the A-Z list of databases on the library website at
Open Access Scholarly Journals on the Web
Here you will find a huge collection of free, full text, quality controlled scholarly journals openly available to all. There are currently 83 business and economics titles as well as journals in Law and Political Science, Languages and Literature and Social Sciences. The directory now lists 4178 journal titles across the board and 1532 of these are searchable at article level.
Monday, 27 April 2009
Change of Venue: WOK Training, Thursday 30th. April 2009
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Web of Knowledge Training April 30th.
If you would like to attend please e-mail as places are limited
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Plagiarism Interview - Professor Ferdinand Von Prondzynski
If you missed the programme, it is available as a podcast on RTE's website.
The interview also includes a discussion about the re-introduction of third-level fees.
New Business Database - FAME
FAME allows you to find financial information and ratios for a specific company, or to search for and create a list of companies that meet your criteria (geographic region and number of employees, for example) and to display the results in a variety of customisable formats
FAME should prove a valuable resource for accounting and finance researchers and students, and for Hothouse students.
FAME is available from the library’s databases page at and from the Business and Economics Subject Gateway at
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Have your say

The DIT Library User Survey is now up and running.
The form should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.
All completed responses will be entered into a prize draw.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Monday, 16 March 2009
LENUS - the Irish Health Repository
Lenus encompasses clinical research, policy evaluation, statistics and official publications and currently hosts over 4000 documents.
Check it out at
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Alcohol Retailing - Ireland - March 2009
Since Mintel last looked at Ireland’s alcohol retailing market in February 2008, the trend away from the on-trade towards drinking at home has intensified – driven by price increases in the on-trade and the lure of cheaper off-licence prices in the prevailing economic gloom of the credit crunch.
Read more in the March 2009 Mintel report.
Other new reports for 2009 include:-
Attitudes to Food and Drink - February 2009; Current Accounts - Ireland - February 2009; Airlines: Package v Online holidays - January 2009 and Clothing Retailing in Ireland, January 2009.
To access login to Select Databases from the left menu and Mintel from the alphabetical list of databases.
Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Extended coverage of Irish Law Reports
Good news to those who use Irish Law Reports. In the coming days our subscription to Justis will have an extended coverage of the Irish Law Reports (ILRs); they are now available from 1838 to present. The ILRs are available in full text and most of these are available as printable PDFs that replicate the pagination and appearance of the original hard copies. Going so far back adds substantial value to the reports, while the long-awaited inclusion of PDF images – exact copies of what you’d otherwise spend hours photocopying greatly enhance the quality of these reports. Each report includes catchwords and a headnote, which summarises the judgments.
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Irish Social Science Data Archive
Quantitative dataset sources include CSO and ESRI. Public Health datasets include the Survey of Lifestyles, Attitude and Nutrition, Irish survey of Contraception and Crisis Pregnancy, Irish study of Sexual Health and Relationships and the National Disability Authority Attitudes Survey. Political and Social datasets include the Irish National Election Study and the Irish Social and Political Attitudes Survey.
International comparative data includes the Eurobarometer Series, European Social Survey, European Values Survey and ISSP Series.
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Aungier Street Library makes an exhibition of itself!
The first is a small exhibition of paintings and photographs by 3 members of library staff – Lorraine Lawlor, Eadaoin Ryan and Fiachra Mangan. The second exhibition by librarian Ciaran Quinn traces the history of the Aungier Street/Bishop Street area from a medieval monastic settlement to Jacob’s factory and its role in the 1916 Rising. Ciaran has gathered some really interesting material as part of his recent Masters in Archeology thesis. Do please drop in and have a browse!
Friday, 13 February 2009
Datamonitor Reports Available in Business Source Premier
Looking for Datamonitor reports? Some of you may previously have accessed these reports from MarketLine, but did you know that all of the company, industry, and country profiles available in MarketLine are also available in Business Source Premier?
As previously mentioned, the library has cancelled its subscription to MarketLine.
This was for four reasons:
- The recent additional cuts in the library’s budget.
- All of the company, industry and country reports available in MarketLine are also available in Business Source Premier.
- The usage statistics for MarketLine were considerably lower than for other business databases (e.g., Business Source Premier, Emerald, Global Market Information Database).
- The library has used some of the savings to purchase a subscription to FAME, a business database which provides financial information, financial ratios, and reports.
To access Datamonitor reports in Business Source Premier:
- Access company reports by clicking on the “Company Profiles” option on the menu at the top of Business Source Premier’s start page.
- Access industry and country reports by selecting Advanced Search, limiting “Publication Type” to Industry Profile or Country Report, and entering the appropriate keywords in the search box.
For more information, see the Guide to Finding Market Research Reports in Business Source Premier
If you have any questions about finding Datamonitor reports, please ask Allison (3266), Ciaran (7166) or Israel (7167) for help.
Monday, 2 February 2009
EPPI: Enhanced British Parliamentary Papers on Ireland, 1801 - 1922
Friday, 30 January 2009
EndNote Training in February
1)Introduction to Endnote takes place on Wednesday 11th February
2)Getting Even More from EndNote on Wednesday 25th February.
Time: 2.30pm to 4.00pm
Venue: Library Training Room, DIT Aungier Street
Further details are available at the following link:
To book a place on either course email or
Academic Search Premier now available
This multi-disciplinary database provides full text for more than 4,500 journals - more than 3,700 of which are peer-reviewed.
This scholarly collection offers information in nearly every area of academic study including computer studies, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, art & literature, medical sciences, and ethnic studies. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles.
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Library Replaces MarketLine with FAME
Currently, the library has subscriptions to MarketLine and Business Source Premier, both of which provide access to Datamonitor reports on companies, industries, and countries. (Business Source Premier also provides access to thousands of business journal articles.) Given this duplication in coverage, we have decided to cancel MarketLine and its sister database Reuters Business Insight, which provides market research information.
The money saved by cancelling these databases will allow us to purchase a subscription to FAME, which provides financial information, financial ratios, and reports, including Datamonitor company and industry reports.
We feel that this is a more efficient use of the library’s database budget.
If you would like more information about the background to this decision, please contact
Monday, 26 January 2009
Library Trials 6 New Databases
Access the trials easily by selecting Business Source Premier from the A-Z list of databases on the library web site. At the main page click on Choose Databases.
Feedback on all or any of these databases would be appreciated - to Allison (3266); Israel (7167) or Ciaran (7166).
New Horizon Report 2009
Horizon is a collaborative effort between New Media Consortium and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative. Each year the report identifies and describes 6 areas of emerging technology likely to have a significant impact on teaching, learning or creative expression in Higher Education within 3 identified time frames.
Friday, 23 January 2009
2008 Examination Papers
More recently added exam papers are also accessible via the exam papers link and by selecting “Quick Link to Recent Exam Papers”. Choose the faculty you require (e.g. Applied Arts or Business), and then select by, the Year, Course Code, Sessional (regular exams e.g. Winter, Summer) or Supplemental (Autumn Repeats) which brings you to a list of files labelled by course code, year (1st, 2nd, and 3rd) and title(abbreviated). All papers received after April 2008 are added here.
Ciaran Quinn at 4027166 or Joanna Dziedzic at 4023068
Or E-Mail at