Friday, 2 December 2011
Attention Law Students!

Access to the England and Wales Judgements series is temporarily available until the Friday 16th December via Justis.
New to the Justis full-text legal library, the England and Wales Judgements series contains 135,000 cases from 1951 onwards, containing decisions of the Court of Appeal, along with more recent High Court material.
Justis can be accessed through the law subject gateway:
Friday, 18 November 2011
Friday, 11 November 2011
Free Career Workshops
The Business Information Centre, will host a series of workshops on Career Direction and Development during the months of November - December 2011, in the Central Library, Ilac Centre.
Workshops running include:
The Hardest Work in the World is Being Out of Work: learn how to put a successful career plan in place to find the job you want.
Career Coach Jane Downes will provide useful tips on being successful at interviews and securing your next job.
Thursday, 17th November, 2011 @ 6:30pm
Interviews -Get That Job in 2012: learn how to interview successfully to get the job you want.
A Talk with Recruitment Specialist Laura McGrath
Thursday, December 15th 2011 @ 6:30pm
Volunteering Overseas: what you need to know
Comhlamh, the Irish Association of Returned Volunteers and Developement Workers provides independent advice, guidance and support for overseas volunteers.
Thursday, 1st December 2011 @ 6:30pm
There is no charge and all are welcome. Booking recommended.
For more information check here
Workshops running include:
The Hardest Work in the World is Being Out of Work: learn how to put a successful career plan in place to find the job you want.
Career Coach Jane Downes will provide useful tips on being successful at interviews and securing your next job.
Thursday, 17th November, 2011 @ 6:30pm
Interviews -Get That Job in 2012: learn how to interview successfully to get the job you want.
A Talk with Recruitment Specialist Laura McGrath
Thursday, December 15th 2011 @ 6:30pm
Volunteering Overseas: what you need to know
Comhlamh, the Irish Association of Returned Volunteers and Developement Workers provides independent advice, guidance and support for overseas volunteers.
Thursday, 1st December 2011 @ 6:30pm
There is no charge and all are welcome. Booking recommended.
For more information check here
Frost and Sullivan Trial
Posted by
Israel Chidavaenzi

DIT has arranged a Trial for Frost and Sullivan from now until 18th November. Access within DIT is by IP recognition at Ring the Library for the Username and Password for access from outside the DIT.
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Have Your Say
Posted by
Israel Chidavaenzi

The DIT Library Survey is running from now until the end of November.
Your responses will help us identify our current successes and shortcomings - so we can develop services to match user needs.
The questions should take just a few minutes to complete. And there is a prize draw for all surveys completed.
A high response rate would be appreciated.
The Survey here
Thank you.
Dr Philip Cohen
Head of Library Services
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Improving Connectivity.
Posted by
A total of 52 sockets were repaired at the circular laptop tables in the past week. There are still a number (apx 11) out of order and we hope to have these repaired shortly. We will continue to monitor the situation to ensure the maximum number of working sockets. Please assist us by letting us know of any sockets, or other library equipment, not working.
Friday, 28 October 2011
Friday, 21 October 2011
Posted by
After the 31st October, students who have not registered for their programme will not be entitled to borrow books or access e-resources. Please visit and register for your programme now.
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Aungier Street Library Now Sells Stationery
Posted by
Israel Chidavaenzi

We stock popular items in heavy demand. And we’re open library hours - including late nights and Saturdays - when other outlets are closed. Profits will be used to boost library book budgets.
Thanks to the local DITSU Shop for their co-operation.
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Westlaw IE Twitter
Posted by
Sarah-Anne Kennedy

Click below to be brought directly to their feed:
Friday, 14 October 2011
Vogue Magazine Archive - trial
Posted by
Israel Chidavaenzi

Proquest has set us up with a trial to Vogue Archive. “The Vogue Archive contains the entire run of Vogue magazine (US edition), from the first issue in 1892 to the current month, reproduced in high-resolution colour page images.
Every page, advertisement, cover and fold-out has been included. The Vogue Archive preserves the work of the world's greatest fashion designers, stylists and photographers and is a unique record of American and international fashion, culture and society from the dawn of the modern era to the present day.
This archive is an essential for Fashion, Photography, Gender studies, Design, Textiles, and Business (branding, marketing, talent management) students and researchers.
ProQuest have worked closely with Condé Nast to create separate designated searchable fields for Fashion Item (e.g. kimono, Breton jacket, scoop neckline), Person Pictured, Company/brand, Designer Name, Material (e.g. chiffon, wool, taffeta), Trend, Colour and Print (e.g. batik, gingham, Liberty).”
The trial runs until 10th November 2011 and can be accessed from: here
Friday, 30 September 2011
Attention Law Students!

Need an Overview About a Case? Case Search gives you all the Key Information you need.
The people at LexisNexis have made things a little easier by moving the Digest of a case to the top of the CaseSearch document so you can quickly see what a case is about. All the existing information such as the case history and cases considered are still there, but you can now scan the Digest first for relevancy. Another time saver for the busy legal researcher!
30 leading full text journals are to be added to LexisNexis over the coming months from Bloomsbury and Cambridge University Press. This means more articles in key practice areas such as crime, European law, healthcare to name a few.
Can't remember that legal definition? Try LexisNavigator!
This online tool has been expanded to cover more than 1000 terms. Now it's even easier to find that legal term in the QuickFind search on your homepage or on the practice area pages.
You can access Lexis Nexis through our Databases page
Log in remotely using your Student Number and Library PIN.
Friday, 23 September 2011
Emerald e-books on trial
Posted by
Israel Chidavaenzi

Emerald has set us up with a trial to its two E-Books series collections: the Business Management and Economics collection and the Social Sciences collection. In addition to providing access to business and management materials, the Business, Management and Economics collection also provides access to tourism and hospitality content. The Social Sciences collection provides political, educational and sociological materials.
The E-Books can be accessed from the "Books" tab on the Emerald Database Advanced Search page - Click here
Let us know what you think of this collection.
DIT Aungier Street Library
Monday, 19 September 2011
Library Anywhere!
Posted by
Israel Chidavaenzi
The library has subscribed to a service that gives us an app to provide some library services on a mobile phone. You can search the catalogue, ejournals, Arrow and access the library website. To access this service you need to use this url This URL can also be used on your computer.
Monday, 12 September 2011
Monday, 29 August 2011
Irish Marketing companies responding quickly to QR codes!
Posted by
There was an interesting article in the Irish Times over the weekend entitled How QR is raising the barcode in Marketing. Ireland is seemingly the 10th biggest user of these Quick Response codes - two dimensional barcodes that can be quickly scanned with a mobile phone. Marketing people are cottoning on to their potential in a big way. QR codes are popping up in Irish newspapers and magazines, at Dart Stations and bus shelters, on TV and on web pages. Estate agents, for example, are using them in newspaper listings where scanning a property's QR code can lead directly to further information online. As well as product details, QR codes can link to video, contact details/business cards, Facebook and Twitter pages amongst other things. See article HERE
Monday, 22 August 2011
Looking for Theses/Dissertations?
Posted by
All post-graduate dissertations and theses received by the library are now available for reference use only on the upper floor of the library. Items are shelved alphabetically according to course title and each course has a distinguishing colour code on the spine.
Undergraduate dissertations are also on the upper floor but have been moved closer to the computer area. These are also colour coded for easy access.
A full list of all dissertations held by the Library is available on the library catalogue at To access simply enter dissertations dit aungier street as a subject search.
In addition, all DIT research theses - PhD and M.Phil – are available in full text on Arrow, the DIT Institutional Repository at Search under Theses or by author/title.
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Emerald introduces Research in the News
Posted by

This new online resource from Emerald highlights research that has direct impact or implication in the real world. Featuring a monthly selection of three to four articles/book chapters whose subject area is either very topical and/or groundbreaking, this resource demonstrates the real-world, practical application of Emerald content. Articles and book chapters are freely accessible for a month until they are replaced by the next selection of highly topical content. For more login to
New look E-Books
Posted by

BookBoon, the free e-book provider, has revamped its website and now has a separate Business section which looks quite useful. There are also separate text book and travel sections. Included in the new titles under Business are Successful Prospecting in Sales, Strategic Financial Management and Analytics for Managerial Decision Making. It's worth a look at
Digital Insights Conference
The Irish Times Digital Marketing conference, supported by the Irish Internet Association (IIA), is taking place on October 14 2011.
With participants like internet giants Google, Facebook and Microsoft, among others, the conference provides an opportunity to hear speakers give their unique insights on current and emerging digital marketing techniques. Blending practical and strategic elements, all things digital are covered with a focus on mobile, social and search marketing.
More information on the conference, the agenda, and profiles on the speakers is available from the Irish Times and the IIA website. Tickets are priced at €135 +VAT with early bird offers of €65 + VAT
Monday, 15 August 2011
Global Retail Development Index 2011
Posted by

The A.T. Kearney Global Retail Development Index (GRDI)™ ranks the top 30 emerging countries for retail development and identifies windows of opportunity for global retailers to invest in developing markets. The 2011 GRDI marks the 10th anniversary of the publication so, in addition to the annual index, A.T. Kearney has also published a 10-year retrospective - Retail Global Expansion: A Portfolio of Opportunities. See HERE for full reports.
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Palgrave Macmillan offers open access publishing to authors
Posted by

Palgrave Macmillan has recently announced the launch of Palgrave Open offering authors of accepted primary research papers the option to publish their articles with immediate open access. Initially, Palgrave Macmillan has selected 18 journals for Open Access.
The following may be of interest to Business and Applied Arts researchers:
* International Politics
* British Politics
* Comparative European Politics
* Contemporary Political Theory
* European Journal of Development Research
* Journal of Brand Management
* Journal of Asset Management
* Journal of International Business Studies
* Journal of Public Health Policy
For further details see
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
Ebsco on iPhone
Posted by

Ebsco databases are now available as iPhone and iPod touch applications. This includes Business Source Premier, Communications and Mass Media Complete, Hospitality and Tourism Complete, Soc Index with Full text and the UK/Eire Reference Centre. To set up the application, select the required database from the A-Z listing on the library web pages.
Click on the app link at the bottom of the home page for full access details.
Friday, 29 July 2011
New Journal Titles on Westlaw UK

Two new journals from Cambridge University Press have been added to the list of full text titles available from Westlaw UK.
1)European Constitutional Law Review
This journal has a focus on European constitutional law and is useful for anyone involved or with an interest in the European constitutional process. Its scope is European and constitutional law, history and theory, comparative law and jurisprudence and its Editorial Advisory Board is composed of eminent members in the field of constitutional studies from across the Continent. Coverage on Westlaw UK begins with 2005.
2)Hague Journal on the Rule of Law
This journal aims to deepen and broaden the knowledge of the rule of law and its relation to economic growth, poverty reduction, promotion of democracy, protection of human rights and geopolitical stability. The Hague Journal on the Rule of Law provides a timely forum for the rapidly expanding field of the rule of law, encapsulating cutting-edge study from all related disciplines. Coverage on Westlaw UK begins with 2009.
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Aungier St Library Closed August Bank Holiday Monday
Posted by
The Library will be closed on both the Saturday and Monday of the August Bank Holiday weekend and will re-open for normal summer hours on Tuesday 3rd August from 9.30am to 8.00pm.
Summer Hours are as follows:
Monday and Tuesday: 9.30am to 8.00pm
Wednesday to Friday: 9.30am to 5.15pm
Closed on Saturdays.
Summer Hours are as follows:
Monday and Tuesday: 9.30am to 8.00pm
Wednesday to Friday: 9.30am to 5.15pm
Closed on Saturdays.
Business Sentiment Survey
Posted by

The latest quarterly Business Sentiment survey from IBEC found that the majority of companies are planning to extend pay freezes into 2012 with a small minority planning further reductions in pay. The majority of firms remain confident in the trading outlook, however, and many intend to hire new staff within the next 3 months. IBEC's Economic Forecasts are freely available on their website but you must register to receive IBEC Agenda which includes the Business Sentiment reports. For further details see
Monday, 25 July 2011
New online catalogue at National Print Museum
Posted by

The National Print Museum has just launched a new, fully searchable online library catalogue. Containing an eclectic mix of about 1000 items, the catalogue is now available to members of the public and can be visited at
The National Print Museum collects, documents, preserves, exhibits, interprets and makes accessible the material evidence of printing craft and fosters associated skills of the craft in Ireland.
The National Print Museum reference library is a specialist library with a collection of books, pamphlets, journals and newspapers relating to printing and associated trades. Also included in the collection are items of ephemera and photographs showing styles of printing and print houses of old. The library is a reference library only.
More information on the catalogue can be obtained from
Friday, 15 July 2011
EU Barometer Surveys 2011
Posted by

Some interesting surveys from the EU Barometer Unit which gathers and analyses public opinion on diverse topics within the European Union are available now from their website at
The 2010 National Report for Ireland written by Richard Sinnott of the UCD Geary Institute and James McBride of the Irish Social Science Data Archive is included. Go to the National section and click on IE to access.
Free Access to Cambridge Journals
Posted by
Israel Chidavaenzi

For a limited period only, Cambridge Journals are free to access for 6 weeks from 15th July until 30th August 2011.
Access is available here
Monday, 11 July 2011
Wealth Management and Paying Taxes
Posted by

Two new freely downloadable reports on the Price Waterhouse Cooper website are Paying Taxes 2011: the global picture and Global Private Banking and Wealth Management Survey 2011. .
For the full reports go to
Friday, 1 July 2011
Summer Books

New book arrivals in June are now listed on the New Books list on the library catalogue and will be of particular interest to Media and Communications people. See the full list at The list is arranged by Dewey number so scroll down to find the area you are interested in.
2010 Journal Citation Reports
Data for 2010 is now available on the library subscription to the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) from Web of Science. The reports include:
* More than 10,000 of the world's most highly cited, peer reviewed journals.
* Represents nearly 2,500 publishers and 84 countries.
* 1,075 journals receiving their first Journal Impact Factor.
Access JCR via the library website at Select JCR from the A-Z list of subscribed databases.
* More than 10,000 of the world's most highly cited, peer reviewed journals.
* Represents nearly 2,500 publishers and 84 countries.
* 1,075 journals receiving their first Journal Impact Factor.
Access JCR via the library website at Select JCR from the A-Z list of subscribed databases.
Costs of doing business in Ireland
Posted by

Forfas has a number of new reports on its website at These include:
* Costs of Doing Business in Ireland 2011 which evaluates Ireland's relative cost competitiveness, identifies barriers and sets out the actions needed to improve and sustain competitiveness. The 2011 report finds significant improvements but much more to be done.
*Analysis of Ireland's Innovation Performance takes an indepth look at trends and developments in Ireland's comparative innovation performance and aims to establish this performance at international level.
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Media Street - new site for media and business
Posted by

Take a look at Media Street - the new Irish Media Business Directory powered by MAPS. It features up to date media information including market rates, industry news and market data. For direct access go to or check it out on the library's subject links for both Business and Media and Journalism at There are some other good links there too that are worth a look!
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
New E-books on Westlaw UK
Westlaw UK are adding a number of new e-books to the database on June 28th. These are as follows:
. Colinvaux's Law of Insurance
• De Smith's Judicial Review
• Drafting Trusts and Will Trusts
• Gale on the Law of Easements
• Hudson's Building and Engineering Contracts
• Lewin on Trusts
• Lindley & Banks on Partnership
• MacGillivray on Insurance Law
• Russell on Arbitration
• Snell's Equity
Functionality for the new titles includes enhanced Contents Pages; PDFs for whole chapters; links to cases, legislation and journals referenced in the text; A-Z Index and pop-up footnotes in line with the text.
Access Westlaw UK from the A-Z of Library databases at
Monday, 13 June 2011
Summer Opening Hours at Aungier Street Library

It's that time of year again and summer opening hours have arrived. We are delighted to announce that Aungier Street Library will open for 2 late nights a week over the summer from June to the beginning of the autumn semester. Until further notice, therefore, opening hours are as follows:
*Monday and Tuesday: 9.30am to 8.00pm
*Wednesday to Friday: 9.30am to 5.15pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday.
New electronic text books on BookBoon
BookBoon has added several new text books to its 'Essentials' series. These include Essentials of Statistics, Essentials of Macroeconomics and Strategic Marketing. Check them out at Select Dublin Institute of Technology from the list of participating institutions.
Friday, 10 June 2011
Wiley's Online Library - free resources for students and academic staff
Posted by

Wiley's Online Library now offers an interesting mix of free resources to students and academic staff in most business subjects. The mix includes free full text journal articles, free book chapters and a 'Register for Alerts' service. Check it out at
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Free Trial of Alexander Street Literature.
Alexander Street Literature brings together the content of 8 separate Alexander Street literature collections, cross-searchable through a new interface. The new collection delivers the literatures of place, gender, and race. Students and scholars of literature, history, diversity studies, politics, transatlantic studies, postcolonial history, geography, cultural studies, and anthropology can now explore these important works that have previously not been available. Included is all the content in these Alexander Street collections: Latino Literature; Latin American Women Writers; Black Women Writers; Black Short Fiction and Folklore; South and Southeast Asian Literature; Caribbean Literature; Scottish Women Poets of the Romantic Period; and Irish Women Poets of the Romantic Period.
If you would like to see the complete collection and assess its value for your courses, the publishers have allowed us a temporary login through to the end of June:
Username: reviewer
Password: 278paperweight
If you would like to see the complete collection and assess its value for your courses, the publishers have allowed us a temporary login through to the end of June:
Username: reviewer
Password: 278paperweight
Monday, 30 May 2011
Social Media a hot topic on Science Direct's Top 25 list

Social Media in business is the hot topic in Science Direct's current 'Top 25' list of the most read articles from over 2000 peer reviewed journals. Number one on the list is a Business Horizons paper titled Users of the World Unite: the challenges and opportunities of Social Media.
As well as 4 other papers on Social Media, topics include Ethical leadership, Supply Chain Management, Event tourism and Cloud Computing.
The Top 25 list is a handy way for business researchers to efficiently identify "must read" articles that pinpoint new developments and trends in your field.
You can also register and set up free e-mail alerts. Try it today at Select your preferred field of interest and the current Top 25 articles are listed to the right. Click on each title to read the full paper.
New Mintel Reports

Mintel has recently added 3 new reports to its Irish Series. These are:-
*Breakfast Goods - Ireland
*Innovations in Soft Drinks - Ireland
*Wine - Ireland.
Upcoming reports will include Christmas Retailing, Clothing Retailing, Retirement Planning and TV Viewing Habits.
To access go to Select Databases from the options list and Mintel from the A-Z Listing displayed.
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Topping up your account and printing at Aungier Street
The Print/Copy Service at all DIT Libraries is provided by Ricoh Ireland Ltd. They also provide printing facilities throughout each campus building. Please see below details on how to top up your account and print outside of the library as well as contact support details.
1.Topping up your account. As well as using the top up kiosks in the library, it is also possible to top up your print account online using debit or credit card by logging onto and following on-screen instructions. The minimum top up amount is now reduced to €5 and is available to use 24/7.
Alternatively you can top up by phone at 1518 444 382 to the value of €3 - (It is probably better to use this method only in emergency cases as costs from mobiles can be expensive and vary depending on service provider). From a landline the service costs the same as a local call.
2. Follow-me Printing With the 'follow-me printing'service in place throughout DIT, you have 2 hours from the time you send your print job to release it at any printer throughout the college.
For colour jobs, there is an additional colour printer located in the School of Business on the 4th floor.
3. Customer Support As part of the managed print service provided to DIT, Ricoh has a dedicated Customer Support person on site who can help you with any queries you have regarding the print service. He can be contacted by email on or on mobile 086-2832008.
1.Topping up your account. As well as using the top up kiosks in the library, it is also possible to top up your print account online using debit or credit card by logging onto and following on-screen instructions. The minimum top up amount is now reduced to €5 and is available to use 24/7.
Alternatively you can top up by phone at 1518 444 382 to the value of €3 - (It is probably better to use this method only in emergency cases as costs from mobiles can be expensive and vary depending on service provider). From a landline the service costs the same as a local call.
2. Follow-me Printing With the 'follow-me printing'service in place throughout DIT, you have 2 hours from the time you send your print job to release it at any printer throughout the college.
For colour jobs, there is an additional colour printer located in the School of Business on the 4th floor.
3. Customer Support As part of the managed print service provided to DIT, Ricoh has a dedicated Customer Support person on site who can help you with any queries you have regarding the print service. He can be contacted by email on or on mobile 086-2832008.
Thursday, 12 May 2011
Harvard Business School - Working Knowledge
Posted by

The Harvard Business School Working Knowledge web pages are described as a 'first look at Faculty Research'. Working papers are available in full text and recently added topics include papers on Corporate Sustainability, Entrepreneurship, Globalization and Banking. Further details HERE
Friday, 6 May 2011
Irish Times E-Paper and Archive
Apologies for the loss of the Irish Times e-paper and Archive for the last week or so. The problems have now been sorted out and the e-paper is again available via the Library Website. Login to Select Databases and Irish Times from the A-Z Link. Select e-paper from the toolbar and click on the image of the e-paper to access.
The e-paper can also be accesssed from outside of DIT by logging in with your staff or student number and Library PIN. Our subscription is limited to 5 simultaneous users so you may be advised to try again if this limit has been reached.
The Irish Times Archive which dates back to 1859 can be searched both internally and remotely using login and PIN.
The e-paper can also be accesssed from outside of DIT by logging in with your staff or student number and Library PIN. Our subscription is limited to 5 simultaneous users so you may be advised to try again if this limit has been reached.
The Irish Times Archive which dates back to 1859 can be searched both internally and remotely using login and PIN.
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Are you a Job Seeker looking for Work?
Dublin City Public Libraries continues its 2011 Career Direction and Development Programme on Thursday, 9th June, at 6.30pm in the Business Information Centre, Central Library, Henry Street, Dublin 1 with a free workshop given by Jane Downes.
This interactive workshop will look at how to stay on track in the jobs market, while still having an effective plan of action in mind. How can you be more proactive in your job search while maximising your chances of finding employment or changing careers?
Jane Downes is one of Irelands best known Career Coaches and author of “The Career Book – Help for the Restless Realist.” She owns Clearview Coaching Group a Career Coaching and Training business which she established in 2004 following an extensive career working in the area of recruitment and HR consulting.
The workshop is free of charge but booking is recommended. Please ring the Business Information Centre at 8733996 or email
Monday, 18 April 2011
ECCH Case Writing Competition 2011 - Call for Cases
In 2010 the ECCH case writing competition attracted 120 entries from 103 places of learning in 29 countries. Be part of the 2011 competition.
Categories: Authors of management case studies are invited to submit entries in two categories:
• Hot topic: Social media and change
• New case writer: a first teaching case in any business subject area
Submissions: Cases must have been tested in the classroom, completed after 1 April 2010 and be accompanied by a teaching note.
Submission deadline: 14 October 2011
Prizes: The author(s) of the winning case in each category will receive a single prize of €1,500.
Further details:
Categories: Authors of management case studies are invited to submit entries in two categories:
• Hot topic: Social media and change
• New case writer: a first teaching case in any business subject area
Submissions: Cases must have been tested in the classroom, completed after 1 April 2010 and be accompanied by a teaching note.
Submission deadline: 14 October 2011
Prizes: The author(s) of the winning case in each category will receive a single prize of €1,500.
Further details:
Friday, 15 April 2011
Business Barometer
Posted by

The latest company notices and insolvency reports are available free of charge from's Business Barometer.
You can see the latest edition here:
If you'd like to sign up to receive these free alerts just click here:
Monday, 11 April 2011
Trial of the OECD iLibrary

The President's Office has organised an evaluation trial of the OECD iLibrary which can be accessed at As the trial is IP based, it can only be accessed from computers within the DIT Network. Business users may be interested in the country economic surveys,(France is the latest reported) and the 2011 Economic Policy Reforms survey. There is a Getting Started guide available HERE.
Future Skills Requirements
Thanks to Laurence Whitson, Careers Adviser, College of Business for pointing out the new Forfas report on future skills requirements. Entitled Guidance for higher education providers on current and future skills needs of enterprise, the report looks at the Irish economy sector by sector and spells out the training needs required for future development. The full report is available from the HEA website HERE
Friday, 8 April 2011
New Reading List Service from Emerald

Emerald has recently introduced a new reading list service called ReadingListAssist aimed at academic staff and drawing together a diverse range of journal and book content into 50 subject specific reading packages. Lists are presented in Excel and the majority of them have an accompanying editorial as an Adobe pdf. Lists are available for business, management, economics and social sciences. For more information check the website at
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Measuring your Research Impact with MyRi

Everything you ever wanted to know about Journal Rankings, Bibliometrics and Measuring your Research Impact is now available at Aimed at Researchers, Staff and Students, the MyRi open access series of learning objects is the result of a joint project between the Library Services of UCD, NUIM, DCU and DIT. The project was funded by the NDLR and includes training materials, videos, interviews and handouts.
Friday, 1 April 2011
Lexis Nexis now on Twitter
Posted by
Israel Chidavaenzi

LexisNexis now on Twitter
The Legislation team at LexisNexis has launched a Twitter feed – this will enable many to have instant alerts to developments of particular interest to them. You can follow LexisNexis here
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Student Handbooks

Student handbook
The library in Aungier Street has embarked on a project to keep an electronic version of all Student Handbooks- these are also known as Course Yearbooks. Student Handbooks for all College of Business Programmes are now available on the library catalogue. If the Handbook for your Programme of Study isn’t on the library catalogue, please contact us with the details and we will make it available. The available Student Handbooks are available here
Monday, 28 March 2011
Integrating Information Literacy into the Curriculum

The Consortium of National and University Libraries (CONUL), of which DIT Library Service is a member,has recently produced a booklet entitled Integrating Information Literacy into the Curriculum. The booklet is aimed at all staff engaged in course design and delivery. Its purpose is to show what information literacy is, how it can be successfully built into courses and programmes of study and how library staff can engage in collaborative partnerships to achieve this. It also offers case studies of good practice within the CONUL Libraries including the GET SMART initiative in Cathal Brugha Street. The guide is available to access on the Library homepage HERE
Friday, 25 March 2011
Learning and Teaching with Social Media

The latest issue from Emerald of On the Horizon [Vol.19(1)2011] is a special issue entitled Online Social Networking as a Site for Learning. It contains research articles examining bulding creativity and collaborative learning in a social media environment and exploring the integration of social learning networks for students.
From within DIT you can access the issue HERE. From outside of DIT login to the library website at Select Emerald Management Xtra from the A-Z list of databases and then On the Horizon. You will be asked for your login and PIN.
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Economists Online
Economists Online is available at and
- showcases some of the world's leading institutions, their scholars and their academic publications and datasets;
- contains over 900,000 bibliographic references, many with links to open access full text;
- combines content with RePEc archives to provide a new information service to the economist;
- is run by the Nereus consortium and co-funded by the European Union. It's worth a look!
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
University of California Press E-books

The University of California Press now has over 2000 e-books published between 1982 and 2004 available on their web site. Over 500 of the these are freely available for full text public access. Topics covered include sociology, politics, art, science, history, music, religion and fiction. Search as normal using the Advanced Search and then limit your search results under the SHOW tag to public access books. Have a browse at
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