Our guide to off-campus access to the library's databases,
electronic journals and e-books is available on the
Aungier Street library website.
As you'll see from the guide, when accessing databases, electronic journals and e-books from outside DIT's network you will be prompted to authenticate in one of two ways:
1. If you see a BLUE login screen, log in with your staff/student number and your DIT email password (initially your date of birth in ddmmyyyy format).
As you'll see from the guide, when accessing databases, electronic journals and e-books from outside DIT's network you will be prompted to authenticate in one of two ways:
1. If you see a BLUE login screen, log in with your staff/student number and your DIT email password (initially your date of birth in ddmmyyyy format).
2. If you see a WHITE login screen, log in with your
staff/student number and Library PIN. You
create your Library PIN for yourself.
There is a "Forgot your PIN" link if you already have a Library PIN but have forgotten it.
Any questions, please contact the library at 01-402-3068 or ast.library@dit.ie or @DitAungierStLib