Once again Aungier Street Library will open from 9.30am to 5.15 pm Monday to Friday over the summer months. Library staff recognise that this will cause difficulty for students with dissertation or assignment deadlines who cannot visit the library during office hours. We are, therefore, again offering a package of services over the summer until September 3rd. which is intended to bring the library to you!
These services include:
Book Postal Scheme: Register with our Book Postal Scheme, use the online library
catalogue to identify what books you need and we will send them to your home address. For further information contact: Anne Ambrose at 01- 4023067.
Book Return Bin: This is located just outside of the library door. The Aungier Street building opens from 8.00am to 6.00pm. If it suits, simply drop in your books to the “Blue Bin” and we will look after things from there.
OnLine Reference Service: Need help with sourcing information for your dissertation? Want to know how to use a particular database or e-journal. Contact our
Ask a Librarian service. Queries can often be answered straight away but you are guaranteed an answer by the next working day. Our aim is to assist you in any way we can.
Hard-copy Journal Articles: If the article you need is not available online but is in our hardcopy collection – we will make every effort to get it for you.
Electronic Resources: DIT Library Service now subscribes to over 30,000 electronic journals and to all of the leading academic databases. Set yourself up with an access PIN and this vast library is available to you from your home PC. Simply login to the
library website to get started. Online guides are available for most databases. If you need assistance in getting set up or in using any of our electronic resources please contact us via the
Ask a Librarian service or by ringing us at 01-4023068.
Inter Library Loans: If the items you need– books, journal articles, conference papers, reports - are not available in our collection, we can request them on interlibrary loan on your behalf. Requests should be sent to the InterLibrary Loans Dept., DIT Library, Aungier Street, Dublin 2. This is a fee based service and some books may only be read on the premises. Email
astill@dit.ie or ring 01-4023068 for further details.
ALCID Cards and Letters of Introduction: If you are a post-graduate student studying at Masters level or higher, we can provide you with an ALCID card. This will enable you to use any or all of the university libraries in Dublin and nation wide for study and reference purposes. We can also provide undergraduate students with letters of introduction to colleges nationwide. For further details and an ALCID application form click
HERE. To request a letter of introduction contact the library at 4023068 or email via
Ask a Librarian.
SCONUL Access Scheme: DIT Staff and Research postgrads (i.e., MPhil and PhD students) can also avail of the SCONUL Access Scheme. This allows you to visit, study in, research and BORROW from 180 participating member libraries throughout Ireland and the UK. All Irish University libraries, with the exception of Trinity College Dublin, are members of the scheme. Application Forms for SCONUL Access cards are available at the Main Library Desk. Further details of the scheme are available on the
SCONUL Access website, or ring the Library at 4023068.